As caring parents, our devotion to our children’s well-being is unwavering. Naturally, this extends to securing their financial future with the utmost care.

What is an Indexed Universal Life?

Indexed Universal Life (IUL) is a unique life insurance plan designed to provide financial security and long-term growth potential. It not only offers the protection and peace of mind that life insurance brings, but also acts as a powerful savings vehicle that can help fund your child's future endeavors, such as education, a down payment on a home, or starting a business.

Invest in Your Child's Future Today

Initiating an IUL plan for your child promptly sets the stage for a robust financial trajectory into adulthood. It’s a savvy move that can significantly boost their prospects for prosperity.

Take action today to fortify your child’s financial well-being. Our IUL for Kids program is crafted to blend safeguarding, saving, and growth, opening doors to a flourishing future.

Harness The Power of Compound Interest

IUL allows parents to leverage the immense power of compound interest over time to grow their child's savings. By starting at a young age, parents can maximize the ability for that money to grow over the years. Even a small monthly contribution of $50-$150 per month can add up in a huge way by the time that child reaches adulthood.

Unique Tax Advantages

IUL for Kids also offers tax advantages that can further enhance your child's financial growth. The cash value grows on a tax-deferred basis, meaning your child won't pay taxes on the growth as their policy is funded through the years . When the time comes, that cash value can be strategically accessed through participating loans, allowing them tax-free access to that cash value that is usually only seen in Roth IRAs or municipal bonds.

Locking In Lifetime Protection

One welcome side effect of setting up IUL as a savings vehicle is the life insurance protection it establishes for your child at a young age, locking in their good health and establishing permanent coverage into adulthood. Our IUL plans even come with free Living Benefits features, which allow access to the life insurance portion of the plan if there is a serious illness or injury at any point in the insured's lifetime.

Teaching Financial Responsibility

We believe in the importance of teaching financial responsibility from a young age. IUL for Kids can serve as an invaluable tool to help your child understand the fundamentals of saving, investing, and managing money. By actively involving them in the financial planning process, they can learn valuable life lessons that will set them up for success as they navigate adulthood.

Expert Guidance Every Step of the Way

Our team of experienced, licensed professionals is dedicated to guiding you through the process, answering your questions, and providing personalized solutions that align with your unique needs and goals.

Start investing today in your child's future.

One of the most compelling features of IUL for Kids is the opportunity for cash value accumulation.

Watch the video to learn more!

Contact Us

(503) 349-8491