If you are a homeowner who is currently making mortgage payments, it is advisable to have mortgage protection life insurance, which is also referred to as home life insurance.

If you are a homeowner who is currently making mortgage payments, it is advisable to have mortgage protection life insurance, which is also referred to as home life insurance.

Life Insurance for Homeowners

Why Mortgage Protection Insurance?

Mortgage Protection plans are your financial guard, offering both a death benefit and Living Benefits. This means you’re prepared for life’s curveballs with access to essential funds. It’s the wise, proactive choice for homeowners.

Life insurance is a savvy decision for earners with families, and it’s critical for homeowners. No spouse or parent wants to burden their family with a hefty mortgage debt after a loss, especially when it comes with a significant income hit.

Life Insurance for Homeowners

Why Mortgage Protection Insurance?

Mortgage Protection plans are your financial guard, offering both a death benefit and Living Benefits. This means you’re prepared for life’s curveballs with access to essential funds. It’s the wise, proactive choice for homeowners.

Life insurance is a savvy decision for earners with families, and it’s critical for homeowners. No spouse or parent wants to burden their family with a hefty mortgage debt after a loss, especially when it comes with a significant income hit.

Mortgage Protection

A Mortgage Protection Plan is the smartest, most efficient way to safeguard your

most important assets. These simple, affordable plans protect

you and your family from slipping into foreclosure if unexpected events

occur that could threaten your ability to make your mortgage payments on time.

Money-Making Machine

Take a second and imagine you have a money-making machine in your garage

or basement. This machine prints money all day long and always prints enough

to cover your mortgage payments.

Would you take just a tiny portion of that printed money

to insure that machine in case it breaks down?

Mortgage Protection

A Mortgage Protection Plan is the smartest, most efficient way to safeguard your most important assets.

These simple, affordable plans protect you and your family from slipping into foreclosure if unexpected events occur that could threaten your ability to make your mortgage payments on time.

Money-Making Machine

Take a second and imagine you have a money-making machine in your garage

or basement. This machine prints money all day long and always prints enough

to cover your mortgage payments. Would you take just a tiny portion of that printed money to insure that machine in case it breaks down?

Peace of Mind

Living Benefits provides financial support if you are diagnosed with a specified critical illness such as cancer, heart attack, or stroke. If you are diagnosed with a covered illness, the plan will pay a lump sum benefit that can be used to cover medical expenses, mortgage payments, or any other financial obligations you may have. This benefit can offer significant relief during a challenging time, allowing you to focus on your recovery without worrying about losing your home. Any Living Benefits claim offer can always be declined if you wish, but having options is always better than not having options, especially after a major unexpected health event.

Flexibility and Customization

Mortgage protection plans can be tailored to meet your specific needs.

You have the flexibility to choose the coverage amount and duration that

aligns with your mortgage and financial goals. This customization allows you

to have a plan that fits your budget and provides adequate

coverage for your mortgage.

Financial Protection for Your Loved Ones

One of the primary benefits of a mortgage protection plan is that it provides financial protection for your loved ones in the event of your death. If you pass away during the term of the mortgage, the plan pays off the remaining balance, ensuring that your family members can continue to live in the house without the burden of mortgage payments

Financial Protection for Your Loved Ones

One of the primary benefits of a mortgage protection plan is that it provides financial protection for your loved ones in the event of your death. If you pass away during the term of the mortgage, the plan pays off the remaining balance, ensuring that your family members can continue to live in the house without the burden of mortgage payments.

Flexibility and Customization

Mortgage protection plans can be tailored to meet your specific needs. You have the flexibility to choose the coverage amount and duration that aligns with your mortgage and financial goals. This customization allows you to have a plan that fits your budget and provides adequate coverage for your mortgage.

Peace of Mind

Living Benefits provides financial support if you are diagnosed with a specified critical illness such as cancer, heart attack, or stroke. If you are diagnosed with a covered illness, the plan will pay a lump sum benefit that can be used to cover medical expenses, mortgage payments, or any other financial obligations you may have. This benefit can offer significant relief during a challenging time, allowing you to focus on your recovery without worrying about losing your home. Any Living Benefits claim offer can always be declined if you wish, but having options is always better than not having options, especially after a major unexpected health event.

"It saved the house.

It saved us financially."

Jim Johnston was healthy – he surfed, he golfed, and was active. He had no reason to think he was going to get diagnosed with cancer. When he discovered a lump under his jawline while shaving, his world was changed in an instant. Watch as Jim and his wife Anne relive his unexpected throat cancer diagnosis, and how his Living Benefits life insurance policy ultimately saved them from financial disaster.

"It saved the house.

It saved us financially."

Jim Johnston was healthy – he surfed, he golfed, and was active. He had no reason to think he was going to get diagnosed with cancer. When he discovered a lump under his jawline while shaving, his world was changed in an instant. Watch as Jim and his wife Anne relive his unexpected throat cancer diagnosis, and how his Living Benefits life insurance policy ultimately saved them from financial disaster.

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